

Faddal Ibrahim

Technical Writer | Software Engineer
Ashesi University '23

There are 2 types of software engineer: those who understand computer science well enough to do challenging, innovative work, and those who just get by because they’re familiar with a few high level tools ~ teachyourselfcs.com

My talent lies in being able learn anything quickly and immediately using the knowledge to do creative things.

On the flipside, I have an abysmal memory. Therefore, I document a lot in writing. I write to remember, to learn and to share.

I go lengths to deconstruct things that pique my interest and always on the lookout for amazing ways to do things differently.

I am a master of getting things done with meticulous delivery!

This blog is a space for my unbridled creativity, where I use the seductive powers of my writing to explore my love triangle - Programming, Design, Mathematics.

Other things I love are Anime, Memes and Liverpool!

Welcome to my world! 🔥

Non-technical Blog
